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Citroen XM Turns Toward Diravi Left Alone

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I bought a diravi direction with leaks and intend to restore it. I've heard stories that some mechanics had headaches after finished restoring the direction diravi and put it in the car.

The story I heard is as follows:

After the direction diravi be restored and reattached on XM, the tests are started giving start the car, but even with the XM still parked, the first reaction of diravi direction is to turn all alone to the right or left. After happen this problem, the mechanics do not know what to do because the direction diravi was misaligned.

To avoid the problem noted above, gave me the following recommendation to be made before disassemble the direction diravi:

You will need to lock a return and count the rack teeth on the left side of the piston, note on some paper and then assemble in the same position. If this procedure is not done, the direction diravi can pull herself to one side and this made it impossible to use the XM until the problem is resolved.

Please can anyone tell if this is correct?

Please someone can tell in a step by step procedure to avoid problems?

Sorry, I do not speak the German language, only a little English.

My native language is Brazilian Portuguese.

Best Regards,

Jeferson Rodrigues


Hello J.R.,

the Diravi has indeed a device with which you set the deviation to one side or the other.

The person probably best informed about the diravi in this forum is afaik

ACCM Jan Goebbelsmann, and I am rather sure his English is proficient.

I suggest you contact him by PN ( Personal message )

best regards



Hello Klaus/ACCM Peter L

I believe that the device to which you refer would be the cable of diravi's direction. This cable helps improve steering and this prevents the car has a tendency to pull lightly to right or left.

The problem to which I refer is about the direction diravi pull to the right or left with car stopped.

I will contact the Goebelsmann.

Thanks for your support!

Have a nice day!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Hello Klaus/ACCM Peter L

I believe that the device to which you refer would be the cable of diravi's direction. This cable helps improve steering and this prevents the car has a tendency to pull lightly to right or left.

This was indeed what I meant.

The problem to which I refer is about the direction diravi pull to the right or left with car stopped.

This is indeed a different problem, and according to what I believe to have understood when attending the two

seminars Jan Goebelsmann gave ont te subject the symptoms you quote might point to either an uncorrect basic

setting which an incompetent mechanic tried to cure by manipulating the cable or

some leaking valves in the system.

Thanks for your support!

We're here for that and our aim is to help keeping as many hydraulic Citroens on the road as possible !

What we always like, however, is feedback after a problem has been solved.

So we hope to hear from you again soon !

Nice day to you, too !


Have a nice day!

Bearbeitet von Citroklaus

Hi dears,

Sorry about the delay in responding.

Jan sent an email to me:

Hello, Rodrigues!

Thank you for the message. I am sorry that I missed the original thread in August.

Yes: restoration of the complete steering can cause unpleasant results.

However, this is mainly the case if the mechanics that transform the action of the steering wheel into directing the hydraulic fluid (steering transmission box) are opened, taken apart, cleaned, overhauled, parts replaced etc.

Otherwise it is not as bad.

Unfortunately with the XM it is best to take out the engine to access the steering. This is a nuisance, yet it is sensible to do it and to combine other work on the engine and engine compartment (in our area: rust!!!) with this activity.

It could be considered to also check the actual steering transmission box.

But then it is helpful to have a kind of test-bench to test the steering first before re-installing it into the car.

This can be done with a hand-driven pump, a little reservoir, some piping and, preferably, the unit that controls the pressure for reversing the steering. However, this can be omitted and a simple spring installed into the mechanics temporarily can do the same job.

First: please tell me what kind of work you intend to do.

- Replace the seals of the steering

- Replace the pistons of the steering if worn

- Replace the bellows guarding the steering pistons

- Overhaul the steering transmission box?

What kind of literature / pictures do you have available?

Please let me know, and we will take it from there.

Best regards,


Minha resposta:

Hello Jan,

Thank you for your feedback!


It Could be Considered Also to check the current steering transmission box.

But Then it is helpful to have a kind of test-bench to test the steering first before re-installing it into the car.

This can be done with a hand-driven pump, the reservoir little, some piping and, preferably, the unit que controls the pressure is reversing the steering. However, this can be omitted and a simple spring installed into the mechanics can do the job temporarily same.


I'll check with the mechanic the ability to take the test mentioned above.


First: please tell me what kind of work you INTEND to do.

- Replace the seals of the steering * If necessary

- Replace the piston of the steering if worn * yes

- Replace the bellows guarding the steering pistons *yes

- Overhaul the steering transmission box? *yes

I plan to make a general reform in diravi direction. I will do all of the options mentioned above.

Here in Brazil I did not find new pistons, then I will reform the same pistons:


Filling Sample:

I fear that during disassembly and assembly mechanical an error on some detail in the Diravi automatic steers the direction to the right or left even with the car parked.

I was informed about two stories regarding these problems, one of which you can read in this Portuguese page:


I would just like to avoid this problem. I believe I know how to proceed with the other details.

Follow the pictures attached.

Best Regards

Rodrigues, Jeferson

ACCM Jan Goebelsmann

Hello, Rodrigues.

Please try to get hold of a cut-away drawing of the transmission box.

I only have the material conntected to the CX.

But such a drawing will be required once you open this box.

Otherwise: centre the steering (it will happen automatically before switching off the engine), do not steer any more afterwards - then the transmission box can be taken out of the steering.

I believe the cable for adjusting the thrift to either left or right can be disconnected. The only problem may occur once the box (two parts) has been opened.

And yes: the steering itself needs to be centered after replacement of seals. Otherwise you can turn further towards one direction than the other. And with the forces available it the steering itself should provide the stop, not other components.

I shall stay in touch and help you here and there.

However, my time is very limited to write a full suggestion for overhaul right now.




Hello Jan,

I think these tips will suffice. I will continue and when finished I will inform what happened.

If I have more questions, send a message for you.

Thanks again to all forum for the support!

I promise to return with news!

Have a good week!

Kind Regards,

Rodrigues, Jeferson

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