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Empfohlene Beiträge



von luiscifer00

aus: C5-L@yahoogroups.com


Switch off of the combined system while being driving

( radio,roadlights,inside lights, indicators board etc.).

This switch off lasts only for a few seconds, but during this period

all the above mentioned items are off. This is caused due to a reset

of the BSI and it has been produced in the Peugeot 307 which shares

this system.Apparently,the problem has been solved due to the

upgrading of the software in charge of the BSI. Using a version

above the 2.? (I do not remember exactly which) the problem ceases to


Automatic lights : they stop working from now and

then. Besides, the system is not sufficiently intelligent enough to

detect precisely the necessary light conditions to activate the

lights.Sometimes the lights keep switched on during day

light.However, this happens only on rare occasions.

Noise from thecentral air outlets everytime the car speeded or

braked. It sounded as if there was water waving. It was produced due

to the condensation of water in that place.

The solution was a modification in the draining system to prevent

water from keeping there. It consisted on replacing the channeling

tube for another one that did not produced this effect.

Lowering of the driver seat.

This was caused because when one gets into the car the handle that

controls the seat height is pressed accidentally.

The C5 service said the solution is the changing of handle in one of

the sides for the handle in the other one to invert the angle of the

handle and avoid it being pressed by mistake.This has resulted a poor

solution and the handle has to be pressed many more times to get it


Unprogramming of some of the windows.When this happens the window

cannot be elevated automatically at once when we pressed the button.

The solution comes when we manage to elevate the window and after it

is totally closed the botton is kept pressed for a few seconds.

Flashing of the road lihgts due to a diminishing of the voltage

produced by the activation of the

suspension pump.The function of the pump is the introduction of

liquid in the system to elevate the suspension.The flashening can be

clearly noticed following these steps: in front of a wall with the

lights on , elevate the suspension. This flashening happens with

halogen lights,though it can also be appreciated in the inside lights.

The combustion gases from the vehicles in front of the car get

into the car through the aircon. This is very disgusting.I do not

know whether it happens in other cars.

The sensor temperature under certain conditions such as rain and high

humidity gave a mistaken lecture and on a rainy day the temperature

that appeared on display was increasing and it did not correspond to

the actual temperature which was 18ºC. degrees and the sensor

reflected around 40ºC .The C5 service replaced the sensor.The sensor

is found on the low part of the outside rear-view mirror .It looks

like a small botton.

Dialers in the indicators board.They move without control

for a few seconds. To check this: switch off the engine,stay

inside the car and you will observe that after you remove the key

being the doors closed, the radio and the lights off ...(all the

systems off). About few minutes after everything is off a"click" will


heard and the dialers will vibrate crazily for some seconds. This is

something normal. It occurs in every car with BSI.

Fuel comsumption reading (l/100Km) The display shows occasionally a

false reading :the fuel comsumption reading is 0.4 l/100Km for

example.The C5 service advices to reset it everytime the car is

refuelled. What an average, then!.

Blocking of door locking button. The inside button to lock the doors

(the one with a padlock drawn) stops working when the doors are

locked with this button (not with remote key) and without disactivate

it one of the back doors are open from inside .Then, if we press it

again , the doors will be locked but the button will not work again

till we use the remote key. This gives way to driving with the doors

unlocked because if the ignition key is on the remote key does not

work unless the ignition key is off . This is a general problem in

every C5.



The numbers of the magazine "AUTO JOURNAL" in which the faults common

to the C5 model appear are: nº 591 April 4th 2002 and nº 589 March

7th 2002.

List of the main problems and date of manufacturing from which these

have been solved.


_ Risk of water getting into the boot when opening it after rain. The

joint was modified in June 2001. (It is not correctly solved).

_ Break. Escape of liquid from the wind screen wiper in the back

glass when bending the car at a high speed . This happens because

there is no locking valve. Modified in July 2001.

_ Break. Failure in the electric system that opens the back window.

Modified in October 2001.

_ Break. Failure of watertightness in the back lights. Modified in

July 2001.


_ Motor 2.0 16V. Risk of bad functioning in the circuit of

recirculation of EGR gases due to disconection in the depression

tube. Modified in May 2001.

_ Motor 2.0 HDI. Bad functioning in the EGR circuit . Modified in May


_ Motor HPI. Unsteady functioning due to some failures in the

switchboard. Software modified in October 2001.

_ Motor HPI. Power decrease. Difficulty in the ignition due to the

unpriming of the injection pump. Solution: sustitution of the pump

when it fails.

_ Motor HDI (all). Power decrease due to the watertightness in the

injection pump produced by the rusting of a copper part. Replacement

of the old pump from September 2001.

_ Motor 2.0 HDI. Shakes since the car is started till the engine is

off. Failure in the motive flywheel. Solution still under study.

_ Motor 2.2 HDI. Risk of fuel wastage in the return circuit. New

joint from June 2001.

_ Motor 2.2 HDI. In some cars, failure in the particle filter control

due to an error in the electronic calculator. Solution: Reprogramming.

_ Motor 2.2 HDI. Risk of breaking of the camshaft chain ( as in the

same motor in the Peugeot 607 ), produced by a faulty chain strut .

Modified in April 2001.

_ Occasionally it is not possible to start the car due to failures in

the starting motor code. Modified in March 2001.

_ Gearbox. Occasionally it is not possible to use the parking

position. About 2500 cars affected. Modified in July 2001.

_ Suspension. Risk of failure of the auto adaptive driving after

great distance in kilometers due to problems of watertightness in the

management box. Modified in October 2001.

_ ABS. Risk of failure due to problems in the front SKF ball

bearings. Replaced by SNR ball bearings.

_ Tyres. Excessive wear in the back tyres. Cause still under study.


_ Locking device (door locking system). Bad functioning. Software

modified in October 2001.

_ Front wind screen wiper. Alert light switched on without any reason

due to a failure in the electric supply. Repaired during the car


_ Multiple back noises. Possible causes: Friction of the filling fuel

tube with the cover in the tyre hollow. Unsteady fixings of the backs

of the back seats. Unsteady fixings of the jack.Failure in the design

of the shock absorber fixings.


Interessant - die Probleme haben wir alle hier schon beschrieben, und einige kenne ich aus eigener Erfahrung. Was haben wir uns da eigentlich für ein Fahrgerät gekauft?



Eine Beta-Version halt. Viel Vergnügen!



naja, zahlreiche Probleme konnte ja schon behoben werden.

Für einige gibt es einfach Abhilfe (z.B: Scheibenheber)

bleibt noch:

_ Tyres. Excessive wear in the back tyres.

_ Motor 2.0 HDI. Shakes since the car is started till the engine is

off. Failure in the motive flywheel

_Blocking of door locking button.

_Flashing of the road lihgts due to a diminishing of the voltage

produced by the activation of the suspension pump (halogen lights)

Der Begriff "Betatester" für die 2001 BJ. scheint hier vollkommen

zu stimmen, sieht man gearde was alles schief läuft

wenn die Software nicht stimmt.


ACCM Helmut Bachmayer

so what, all these fault happen everywhere at the monent, you can even go for the star and be a tester for more money, but besides, normally I consider this side a german one, so please translate texts to be published into german, yours der bachmayer

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Clubleitung des André Citroën Clubs
Stéphane Bonutto und Sven Winter

Postfach 230041
55051 Mainz

Clubzentrale in Mainz
Ralf Claus
Telefon: +49 6136 – 40 85 017
Telefax: +49 6136 – 92 69 347
E-Mail: zentrale@andre-citroen-club.de

Anschrift des Clubleiters:

Sven Winter
Eichenstr. 16
65779 Kelkheim/Ts.

E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
Telefon: +49 1515 7454578

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Martin Stahl
In den Vogelgärten 7
71397 Leutenbach

E-Mail: admin@andre-citroen-club.de

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