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Soft Diravi all The Time - Soft DIRAVI die ganze Zeit

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Hello everybody,

Maintenance was done on my XM diravi because it was leaking. Today we test. The diravi was soft, I think the centrifugal regulator does not work because the Diravi is soft all the time.

Someone has maintenance document in centrifugal regulator?

All gas balls were exchanged on XM.

Thank you!

ACCM Jan Goebelsmann

Yes, the regulator does not work.

First: check that the driving rod/cable is really fit and in place. If taken out of the regulator it easily happens that it is not pushed fully in when re-installed. Happens to many, many......

If this is NOT the solution then take the driving cable out of the regulator and try to turn it. It should give resistance which means that the little gear box for speedometer and regulator (placed on the engines gear-box) is still o.k.

Then try to turn the axle of the centrifugal unit with a screw driver. You should feel a kind of resistance at first and it should then propel a bit further by itsef.

If so this is o.k. also.

The next step would be to look out for a spare regulator unit of the centrifugal regulator. I just went through this experience due to excessive internal leakage of the regulated pressure.

Though this being not a standard failure it makes sense to have a spare part long term.

I shall send you a message - yet hope the you do not need to touch the centrifugal regulator (hydraulic unit).

However, it makes sense to clean the mechanical part and use new lubricant.

Best regards,



Hello Jan,

The centrifugal governor was open, was rusty and locked, so he lubed.

Now it seems to be new.

So I believe that the problem can be in driving cable. I will check and report the result here.




I looked at my email and noticed that you sent documents to me.

Thanks again! I'm delighted to always find this support here in the forum.

Soon I return with news.

Thank you!



I checked the cable that goes to the gearbox and found that it is broken.

I changed the accumulator ball 62 bar and diravi still not returning to the center alone. I do not know what might be causing this behavior.

I will change the cable connected to the gearbox.

Thanks a lot!

Beste Regards,

Jeferson Rodrigues


The cable does drive the speed regulator, thats why it doesn't work anymore.


  • 2 Wochen später...


I bought a centrifugal governor and installed, but the Diravi again leaked.

I'll open another topic to explain the situation.

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