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Restore Diravi

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Hello everybody,

One of my XM diravi was restored, but did not return automatically to the center, the ball 62 Bar has been changed, have tested other Diravi and always the same problem occurs.

I suspect that the hoses can be connected being in the wrong position.

Today unfortunately leaked Diravi that restored a few days, I am very sad.

I think I'll try to fix the Diravi again if leaking again I'll give up.

Anyone have documentation of connection hoses?

Thanks to everyone who can help.


Who restored the Diravi? Normally the tubes find their places automatically due to the form.

Did you take the whole system out of the car you have you done it inside the car?

You may have turned the plate the wrong way.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


An expert mechanic was the one who restored.

The diravi was withdrawn under the car and then was taken to the specialist directions.

I believe that the pipes may have been properly connected, but the hoses may be wrong because diravi not return to center.

Jeferson Rodrigues

Bearbeitet von Jefersonxm
ACCM Jan Goebelsmann

Does the steering go into one direction by itself?


Does the steering only remains in the position it has been turned to?

Has the actual steering-gear box been opened at one point of the overhaul procedure?

Kind regards,



The direction was aligned before being removed from the car.

Before dismantling, it has been certified if it was centralized.

Someone would have one Diravi out of the car to make a demonstration video?

Sorry this request, but I'm desperate.

ACCM Jan Goebelsmann

Sorry, Jefferson, but it is important to get good descriptions to pinpoint the trouble.

Maybe I do not understand properly.

There are two possibilities with totally different causes.

a) the moment you put pressure into the hydraulic system by closing the vent-valve of the regulator the steering turns into one direction and remains there. Blocked!

B) when the hydraulic system is under pressure the steering is o.k. It can be turned easily, but it does not reverse itself to center.

My question from #4 was to find out if the steering-gearbox (placed into the steering in one unit) had been also disassembled or not! As a unit it can be taken out and put back in again as long as it had not been opened or taken apart.

To overhaul the steering this gear-box has to be taken out of the steering itself. Hence the question.

Do not be desperate - all my CX steering gear-boxes and even the XM ('CX-Fahrer' knows just too well…..) caused a lot of trouble in the process of 'learning' - but now they dutifully do their job to my satisfaction!

With regard to a Video: I need to check. I know the process of overhauling had been filmed; but I am not sure about the actual disassembly / assembly in the car.


Hello Jan,

Sorry for the delay.

I found a mechanic who also has a Citroen XM with Diravi.

This mechanic is proposed to stem the leaks of diravi and will ensure that the direction automatically return to the center.

I will await the outcome as soon as possible, I post here a diagnosis of the problems.

Thank you for information.

  • 2 Wochen später...

Hello guys,

The pistons of Diravi were exchanged for pistons in good condition.

The rings were exchanged for other CX Basis.

One of the metal pipes were connected in the wrong place and the tube coming out of the spin valve for diravi also was clogged, this was the reason for diravi not be returning to the center.

Thank you all for the help!

Then I put pictures of my XM here in the forum, very rare car in Brazil!

ACCM Jan Goebelsmann

Hello Jeferson,

thank you for the feed-back!

I am glad that the trouble got solved and wish you some trouble-free time and fun now!

Best regards,


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hi Jan

The problems are ending, but still has other pending issues to resolve, luckily it seems to be simple.

After installing the new valve centrifugal diravi it is rigid, however the panel speedometer stopped work.

The LHM oil pump is leaking a few drops, I will exchange the rings.


Best regards,


Bearbeitet von Jefersonxm
Hi Jan

The problems are ending,

This is the most common misunderstanding of life :)

Good luck with the other problems.


You should properly examine the O-Ring seats of the piston covers inside pump (at their thread ends ) for sharp burrs. A common problem. Burrs will cut your new O-Rings during fitting.

ACCM Jan Goebelsmann

#11 Correct: I should have said: the problems will shift to another area - maybe hydraulics, maybe …..

Citroens are like life: full of surprises, and yet offering a lot of joy……

at least sometimes…..


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