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I'm in need of an HY gearbox preferably working but OK with a broken one depending on the failure.

I've recently brought my gearbox back from an engineering company who have gone bust. The gearbox I gave them has been totally dismantled and is now in boxes. From what I can see at the moment the output half shafts are missing and maybe some small internal parts but everything else seems to be in tact. I am looking for another box to either take the parts from and replace and also to see what other parts are potentially missing. Luckily I retrieved all the new seals and bearings along with the Y7 gear-set I provided for the rebuild so not a total loss.

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.


Hallo Brogan,

fotografiere alles und beschreibe im besonderen den Zustand von Kegel/Tellerrad

Gruß sikaelbe

4 hours ago, sikaelbe said:

Hello Brogan,

take photos of everything and describe in particular the condition of the bevel / crown wheel

Greetings sikaelbe

Hi Sikaelbe,

Many thanks for your reply. Ill photograph everything that came back with the gearbox so that the components can be seen. I'm sure HY enthusiasts will have a keen eye and let me know what might be missing.



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Here's a selection of pictures of the components returned from the engineers. if obvious parts are missing please point them out.

Sorry I am having difficulty up loading images to this page.

Bearbeitet von Brogan1


to insert pictures, upload them to an image hoster. After you have uploaded the pictures there, you will be able to see a selection of links to those pictures you uploaded. Copy and insert the direct links to the individual pictures into a post. Alternatively, if you are using Google Photos or a similar service, you can add the relevant picture to a shared album and post the link to this album here.

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