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Auf Wunsch hier die Anleitung zum Fehlerspeicherauslesen und Vorstellen der Zündung. Der Text ist von der XM-L Group von Yahoo. Ich habe nur das Auslesen getestet und übernehme keine Garantie, das das Zündungsverstellen funktioniert. Ausserdem sollte man nach der Änderung (wenns denn geht....) zunächst vorsichtig Gas geben um evtl. Klingeln zu hören.

Viel Spass....

Series 1

All diagnostic connectors are located in the right hand side of the car in the large black box. The cover can easily be removed by first removing the front cover exposing the relais followed by the top cover. This will expose the ECU's. From front to back the following ECU's can be found (dependant on the equipment installed) Hydroactive I or II, Engine ECU, ABS ECU. The diagnostic connectors can be found floating arround in the ECU compartment, and can be identified by their color. The diagnostic connectors are protected by a cover which can be removed.

Hydroactive diagnostic connector : blue.

Engine diagnostic connector : green (pin 2)

ABS diagnostic connector : grey

Airco diagnostic connector : black

Series 2

I'm unsure from what, till what time the large 30 pins diagnostic connector is used. The connector is 3 pins wide and 10 pins long with the connector housing being brown. The pins are numbered 1,2,3 from top to bottom and A,B,C….,I,J from left to right.

Hydroactive diagnostics pin : E2

Engine diagnostics pin : C3

ABS diagnostics pin : E1

Airco diagnostics pin : F1

In case the large 30 pins diagnostic connector is present only a wire to connect the diagnostic pin to ground is needed. The readout will work via the diagnostic lights on the dashboard. (In case it doesn't work, one can always revert back to the circuit described above.)

To start readout of the codes:

1. Connect the circuit above, with the switch opened.

2. Turn on ignition

3. Within 3 seconds close the switch for 3-5 seconds, and open it again

4. The start code 12 will apear. Blink, pause, blink,blink.

5. Press the switch again for 3-5 seconds, and open it again.

6a. Now the diagnostic codes will follow in case there is an error code stored.

6b. If no more codes are stored the end code 11 will apear. Blink, pause, blink.

7a repeat step 5 and 6 until all codes are read out

7b After the end code you can clear all codes.

To clear all stored error codes:

1. First read out all codes described above

2. After the end code, close the switch for excactly 15 seconds.

3. Open the switch again

4. Now all stored codes are cleared.

Alternatively you can erase all error codes by disconnecting the battery for 10 (or more) minutes. This will not only clear the codes, but also erase the 'learned' settings (eg for the engine) and refer back to factory default.

To test engine components:

Don't use this if you don't know what you are doing!!

1. Be sure ignition is turned off.

2. Close the switch

3. Turn on ignition

4. Within 1-12 seconds open the switch again

5. Wait some seconds

6. First code 91 will appear. Meaning the fuel pump will be activated periodically.

7. Close the switch for 3-5 seconds to test the next component.

8. Repeat until you arrived at the component which you want to test.

To tune the engine ecu:

Don't use this if you don't know what you are doing!! (I never tried it, so I don't guarantee it will work. It should work however on a Fenix 3B ecu (3.0 V6-12)

1. Be sure ignition is turned off.

2. Close the switch

3. Turn on ignition

4. Within 1-12 seconds open the switch again

5. Within 3 seconds close the switch again for 3-5 seconds.

6. Open the switch for 3 seconds (5 max)

7. Close the switch again for 3-5 seconds.

8. Open the switch again.

9. The ECU should indicate code 22 by blinking. Meaning program start.

10. Enter code 2 by means of close 5 secs, open 3 secs, close 5 secs, open again.

11. The ECU will return 12 by blinking. Meaning 4 degrees ignition advance.

12. Close switch for 10-20 seconds. ECU will indicate code 11, meaning 2 degrees earlier.

Regretfully I don't have more data on this.

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E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
Telefon: +49 1515 7454578

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