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A couple of days after getting a new C5 Kombi 3.0 V6 Exclusive, I see NaviDrive ask "Please insert upgrade CD". I also see "2.03H" in the lower left corner of the screen. The letters are yellow, typewriter style, on fancy Citroen background. Reboot, etc. don't help.

The thing worked alright, if not 100% stable, all the time before that. I tried to copy a couple of various music/MP3 CDs to the hard drive jukebox, but none of the attempts completed due to the system going into Eco mode (should have RTFM, of course).

Now I can only see this diagnostics screen. What's up? How to fix this? Please advise.

Best regards.




Welcome to this forum.

I think your question has to be answered by the support personal of Citroen/MagnetiMarelli.

Your NaviDrive with jukebox (RT4) is too new for the people driving a Citroen so you cannot expect experiences with that malfunction - if it is one.

Maybe your attempts to "upload" some music-files and the trouble with the ECO-Mode has confused the system.

In the Eurovan2 - forum (www.eurovan2.com) in such situations you will be advised to use the "UR-Tweak" : Disconnecting the battery of the car for some minutes. After reconnecting all the pending informations should have been cleared.

The RT3 (predecessor of the RT4) asks for the system- (not upgrade-) disk if you have selected a new language. This is not your problem ? And you have no seperate disc, I suppose.

Sorry, no other idea.




Thanks for the reply. No, I didn't try to select another language.

My software development experience tells me the suggestion of the system being confused may be close to the truth.

I'll try the suggested battery trick if my friendly Citroen dealer nearby can't find a better solution soon.

Will post the result here once I'm done.

Best regards.


  • 1 Monat später...


The problem was only solved when the required upgrade CD was fed into the system. Disconnecting the RT4 and even pulling out its battery (of course, by an authorized technician) did not help.

The process involved making a photo of the RT4 internal top side with the ID label, sending the photo to an email address provided by Citroen, and then waiting and pinging again and again.

The CD came after about 4 weeks, due to an accidental delivery to another workshop. Looks like Citroen needs to improve its internal procedures. Otherwise it's a fabulous make.

Best regards.



Thanks for the feedback about the solution. Might be useful for others.

Looks like Citroen needs to improve its internal procedures.

Where are you located? I´m just curious if it´s a phenomenon of CIT-worldwide ;-)

  • 5 Jahre später...

Hello over there (weiter unten auf deutsch),

although this is a pretty old thread, it seems to be the only one covering the "2.03H" topic.

Nevertheless, I have the very same problem right now.

Ok, not in a C5, but in a Pug 407 Coupe, but it's equipped with an RT4 (resp. RT3ev), too.

And I guess the "fix" could be the same ...

So, does anybody know of this "Upgrade CD"? Cause the guys from Peugeot don't ... :(

Or, Alexander, do you still have a copy of it?

Would be glad to hear about any solution ...

Thanks a lot in advance!

Cheers, Magpie

Bis hierher auf englisch, weil das Ursprungsposting auch auf englisch war und ich hoffe, Alexander so vielleicht noch zu erreichen.

Ansonsten die Geschichte noch mal auf deutsch:

Installiert ist ein RT4 (bzw. RT3ev, wie es im 407 heisst), das Ding funktionierte ohne Probleme, nichts wurde verändert.

Bis es eines Morgens nach dem Einschalten keinen Pieps mehr tut, es kommt lediglich der Startbildschirm mit dem Fahrzeuglogo.

Oben steht mittig in Courier der Hinweis "Please insert upgrade CD" und unten links "2.03H". Fertig, Nix weiter.

Der "Ur-Reset" mit Batterie abklemmen hat nix genützt, auch den Geräte Akku habe ich schon gezogen, macht auch nix.

Eine "normale" Update-CD mit der 8.20 habe ich auch schon probiert, die wird einfach wieder ausgeworfen.

Peugeot hat mir jetzt angeboten, das Gerät einzuschicken. Kann aber ein paar Wochen dauern ... Austauschgerät gibt's keins.

Dass die Kiste dann aber wochenlang lahmgelegt ist, interessiert die genau gar nicht. Das kann's doch nicht sein, oder?!?

Hat irgendwer einen Tipp?

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Gruss, Magpie

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