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So - what goes wrong? It's really quite simple. In each of the electro-mechanical firmness regulators there's a component that's designed to protect the electronics in the suspension ECU. These components fail - and when they do the suspension ECU detects the failure and to protect itself shuts down the circuitry that controls the electro-magnetic firmness regulator. When this happens the firmness regulator - by default - remains permenantly in firm mode. This can happen to front or rear firmness regulators - or both. In this state the ride is much harder than when you select "sport suspension" because the regulator is never able to operate in soft mode and it's centre sphere is permanently isolated from the hydraulic circuit. In this state the ride is also much harder than in a Xantia without Hydractive II suspension.

So what does this kit do and how does it help? Quite simply - this kit replaces the components that commonly fail open circuit - for both firmness regulators. Just as it detected the failed components - the suspension ECU will recognise that the components are working and will immediately activate the circuitry that controls the electro-magnetic firmness regulators - allowing full suspension function! The failed components in the firmness regulators are encapsulated in the body of the unit and can't be replaced (although you can replace the entire unit) so this kit replaces them elsewhere in the circuit, this time closer to the suspension ECU. This means they're just as effective at protecting the suspension ECU and the kit connects easily to the wiring loom where access and identification is straight forward. See pictures below. The kit has only three wires and comes with clear instructions specific to your car. All you need to provide is the vehicle 4 digit RP No that's painted on the bulkhead (see picture at foot of page). There's no need to cut the wiring loom and there's no soldering involved because the connections are made using Scotchloks that tap into the existing wiring. All you need is a pair of pliers to close the Scotchloks. All work is carried out under the bonnet simply by opening the lid on the ECU container above the right front wheel. (You may need to remove and replace about 100mm / 4 inches of covering from around the loom as in the picture below.)

Scheint mir etwas zu einfach sein...


Wer liest ist ganz klar im Vorteil...

Siehe Beitrag: Dioden vor Hydractiv-Ventilen ?


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Clubleitung des André Citroën Clubs
Stéphane Bonutto und Sven Winter

Postfach 230041
55051 Mainz

Clubzentrale in Mainz
Ralf Claus
Telefon: +49 6136 – 40 85 017
Telefax: +49 6136 – 92 69 347
E-Mail: zentrale@andre-citroen-club.de

Anschrift des Clubleiters:

Sven Winter
Eichenstr. 16
65779 Kelkheim/Ts.

E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
Telefon: +49 1515 7454578

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Martin Stahl
In den Vogelgärten 7
71397 Leutenbach

E-Mail: admin@andre-citroen-club.de

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