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Dear listers,

I experience a strange problem: My wiper washer motor is

working when directly fed and water running effortlessly, but, when

leads are put back in place and button pressed, there is a current for

motor lasting cca 3 seconds, and then vanishing. Wiper arm makes a

couple of turns as it should, but no water from nozzles. Is there

some kind of timer unit for this washer motor? If yes, where is it

situated? My car is Mk I, if this is of any relevance.




Hi Brana,

please tell us, what type of car you have. You find Mk. I and II of almost any Citroën car. On Citroëns like the XM or the Xantia the wiper washer motor is fed directly from the contact. But if you have an older type, there might be a timer relais.



Sorry, my fault. The car in question is BX Leader (older type, PRN dashboard).



Hello Brana,

please make sure that the pipe going from the pump to the nozzles is ok and without any "crack". You can test it when you take away the pipe from the pump and then test it again with a second person inside the car.

Can you hear the pump running?





As I already said, the pump is running great when directly connected from battery and fluid is dispensed evenly on the winshield - so no cracks. I've been informed that I should try the wiper relay first and then go from there. By removing the relay, water pump should be running as long as the button is pressed, but no intermittent moving of the wiper then.





As I already said, the pump is running great when directly connected from battery and fluid is dispensed evenly on the winshield - so no cracks. I've been informed that I should try the wiper relay first and then go from there. By removing the relay, water pump should be running as long as the button is pressed, but no intermittent moving of the wiper then.



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Stéphane Bonutto und Sven Winter

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55051 Mainz

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Ralf Claus
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E-Mail: zentrale@andre-citroen-club.de

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Sven Winter
Eichenstr. 16
65779 Kelkheim/Ts.

E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
Telefon: +49 1515 7454578

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