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Dear Friends , :-)

At the beginning of this message let me introduce to you.

My name is David Hodan and I am 20-years-old wheelchair bound and on permanent pulmonary ventilation system and I am from Pilsen, Czech republic.

Let me tell you something about me.

I suffer all my life from a genetical abnormality, which causes defect of the peripheral nerves (see Spoleènost C-M-T - Úvodní stránka).

The illness, however, didn’t avert me attending the school, what I (maybe as the only fool in our class) really liked.

After finishing the basic school I started studies at electro-technical school, which, however, I had to abor for some reasons. I changed for high school of post services, where I started to study the 2-year branch „The IT in economics“ – and those were the best years of my life.

Then something very unexpected happenned: I suffered from a very complicated pneumonia, which fixed me on the pulmonary ventilation system, without which I couldn’t live anymore.

One and half year I was pendulating between home and hospital. Not until december 2009 (after half-year staying in hospital) I got the home pulmonary ventilation from the Ministry of Health of the Czech rep.

During that time I experienced many bad things, so now, certainly, I’m happy, that it’s all over.

Since my 16 age I also collect metal models of cars (“Die†part).

And for I live only with mama and my vital treatment costs almost all our finances, I’d like to ask you, if your could help me – with presenting me some car-model. I like especially historical models from years 1930 – 1990, e. g. Mercedes Benz , Cadillac , Ford , Renault , Citroen , Chrysler , Ferrari , and other Car Manufacturers , especially Skoda and Tatra , Cars From DDR and from Cars Renault 16, which I admire a lot, and in our country, in the ages of the Czechoslovakia era, was very popular ! :-)

I don’t collect car models for business, on for it makes me fun and joy and it’s one of very small number of hobbies I can practise instead of my handicap.

For I’m not very skillful in languages, my friend Ota helped me to translate this letter for you. And for that reason, I have the honour to send you my post address immediately, because Ota is leaving abroad today and communication between you and me would be more complicated and I wouldn’t like to make any gramatical mistakes.

So if You want to help Me , please , send Me Private Message , and I tell You My Mail Adress ! :-)

You Can Also Add Me On A Face Book :


Thank you very much for your attention and, please, don’t forget to add your adress, so I could send you the photo.

With regards

David Hodan :-)



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Clubleitung des André Citroën Clubs
Stéphane Bonutto und Sven Winter

Postfach 230041
55051 Mainz

Clubzentrale in Mainz
Ralf Claus
Telefon: +49 6136 – 40 85 017
Telefax: +49 6136 – 92 69 347
E-Mail: zentrale@andre-citroen-club.de

Anschrift des Clubleiters:

Sven Winter
Eichenstr. 16
65779 Kelkheim/Ts.

E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
Telefon: +49 1515 7454578

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Martin Stahl
In den Vogelgärten 7
71397 Leutenbach

E-Mail: admin@andre-citroen-club.de

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