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Instrumentlampe Xantia x1 1995

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Hello, I am a Norwegian student, living in Regensburg. My Deutch is not great, i hope its OK that i write this in English.

I need to replace the lightbulbs in the instrument panel of my 1995 Xantia. These bulbs seem very hard to find. I bought some on ebay, but they were not the right type. Also, one Citroen dealership in Regensburg has never seen the lamp i need before, the others wanted to charge me 7eur per lamp - i need to replace all of them (ca 12).


I need lamps that looks like the one on the left (The one on the right is from ebay, and does not work).

Do anyone know the model number of this lightbulb or where i can find some that does not cost 7eur/stuck?

ps: Do anyone know of a breakers yard (autofriedhof?) in Regensburg area where i can maybe find some other used parts?



with a small caliper you can remove the bulb from the socket, that is the only specific thing for your instrument. there are some very fine wires on the side of the bulb, they have be to in the right order, prior to re-insert the complete bulb into the instrument. note, that the connection sometimes is bad and you have to find a working position by slightly rotating it. there are bulbs with 1.2 oder 2 watts.

hope to help...

ACCM Peter D.

Hello Skandi,

try a shop like Conrad, in Regensburg located at Fachmarktzentrum Bajuwarenstraße, Langobardenstraße 2, 93053 Regensburg. They have the bulbs you need (it's 1.2 W btw.). As ZX-LPG wrote correctly, the socket is used again, only the bulb is replaced. Show them the original bulb together with the info about the 1.2 W and they'll give you the right ones. Prices vary between about 0,60 € - 2,60 € per piece, depending on the manufacturer.

Used parts are available via this forum in the section "Fahrzeug- und Teilemarkt". There are several people here recycling Xantias for fun ;)




Hello, thank you for quick answers.

With the lamp in the right of the photo, i can probably take the bulb out of the socket because i can see two small metal wires holding it in through holes in the side of the socket.

However the original, is completely encased, no opening exposing the bulb. The guy at Citroen in Regensburg tried to pull the bulb out of the socket with a pair of pliers and it is completely stuck.

Sorry, but i am absolutely sure i cannot remove the bulb from the socket of the original :-/

ACCM Peter D.

Hi there Skandi,

the only bulbs in a xantia I know so far not being possible to replace without the socket are the ones that illuminate the heater/climate control panel in the middle of the facia. If it's one of those, you probably wont be able to pull the bulb from the socket. If it is indeed from the instrument panel (speedo, rpm, fuel level, etc.) you didn't try hard enough :)

I sometimes happen to brake the dead bulbs by pulling them out...

Your citroen dealer should nevertheless be able to order those bulbs - at least if he owns a little bit of competence to his job.



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