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VIP-Tour am Konservatorium citroen (aulnay, Paris)


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I was just asking if there are any other visitors from Germany. There a few persons that had interest in doing the tour. But it seems that I am the only one thats left... ;)

whatever...you're the right guy to represent us ;) Propylene, next year I'll be with you in France. This time it is just not possible. Will some of you FRENCH guys come over to our Xantia-Meeting in Xanten/Germany? Please check out that particular thread I kicked on the french Activa-Forum. Invite your guys to see us there ;) We'd be really happy to see you there!

Cheers Kris


Big up to Frederick (Kugelblitz) for coming with us to the most amazing french meeting activa!

35 activa where there.

The prototype Activa2 was started!

Kugelblitz: the trip was good?

Sorry for my bad english ;)



Bonjour! :)

Yes the trip was good. 670 km non-stop from Cergy to my home village. It took me 5:40 hours. :)

It was really good in France. :) It met lots of very nice people, had good discussions, saw many beautiful cars. It was great and well organized. Thank you!

Mine Activa is number 20 counted from the front. A red one between to silver coloured Xantias. :)

Merci! :)



The long row of activas is a really amazing picture. I think it was a great honor to get the prototype startet. I´m a bit sad I couldn´t join you, but I´d be lucky to see some of you in Xanten this year.



Big up to Frederick (Kugelblitz) for coming with us to the most amazing french meeting activa!

35 activa where there.

The prototype Activa2 was started!

Kugelblitz: the trip was good?

Sorry for my bad english ;)


wow! amazing!

  • 2 Wochen später...

Nur ein Teil. Meine FB-Freunde können in meinen Alben stöbern. ;) Der Rest muss sich mit den Appetizern hier vergnügen...


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E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
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