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X1 ABS lamp in dashboard

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how can i get that dammed ABS lamp shutoff?

I pulled the ABS relay, lamp still lights.

I pulled F6, lamp still lights.

Regards Citkasach.


Pull out the ABS lamp in the dashboard...

...or look for the ultimate cause.


i would check abs-sensors and repair the broken one. Then you have good chances to get the lamp off.


I agree. Plus you can use ABS. It's not the worst idea, is it?

At my car the ABS-sensors aren't broken, but the connectors cause problems. Clean them, replace them.



the problem started 2 weeks ago, ABS lamp goes on with ignition on and remained lit.

I found one wheel sensor interrupted and replaced it.

From than ABS lamp came on with ignition on and went off after 2 or 3 seconds.

After driving about 50 meters ABS lamp comes on again and remains lit.

Regards Citkasach.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Maybe wrong Sensor or not correcly installed, so that the ABS-ECU not gets the right signals.

Please look after the correct installation of the new sensor.

There are some sensors wich have a too big space between sensor and ABS-Ring (i read in the forum). Please compare with the space on the other axis.

In some cases the ABS-Ring is broken ...

hope you´ll find the issue

Bearbeitet von Gumble

Hello C,

the lamp will go off if you simply cut the two green wires at terminal 30a of the ABS Relay.

Regards H.

Hello C,

the lamp will go off if you simply cut the two green wires at terminal 30a of the ABS Relay.

Regards H.

Pfusch ... ;)

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